Narodia Nishant, Master Shiv, Patel Krishna, Shah Manan, Suraj Singh Bhadoria and Kosmika Makwana
Through this research work standardization of Homoeopathic medicated lotion prepared by Andrographis and Cephalandra indica as a separately in the definite proportion of drug and vehicle ratio under UV- Visible spectrophotometer (Double Beam). After analysis through UV- Visible spectrophotometer it was found that absorbance capacity of Andrographis P Q is 0.05 at 760.50 nm, Andrographics P lotion is …. At …….nm, Cephalandra indica lotion is 0.847 at 442.00 nm, Cephalandra indica Q is 0.896 at 570 nm.
The absorbance capacity of Cephaelndra indica lotion is better than Andrographics P lotion in terms of absorbance value by UV-visible spectrophotometer.
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