J Anantha Lakshmi and A Saritha
Asthma is a disease characterized by acute exacerbation of coughing dysponea, wheezing and chest tightness. Patients usually have reduced forced expiration volume in one sec as well as reduced airflow The current study aimed to evaluate the phytochemical investigation and pharmacological evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of Vitex negundo linn bark extracts. The results when compared with 0 Hr reading of same group at specific dose levels tested (200 mg/kg, 400mg/kg and 600 mg/kg), it was observed that methanolic extract of Vitex negundo linn bark started showing the protection after 2 hrs at 200 mg/kg and 600mg/kg whereas 400 mg/kg showed at the end of 1 hr itself and continued till the end of 5 hrs and quite comparable with that of Ibuprofen. These results are encouraging enough to pursue bioactivity-guided fractionation of this extract and structure elucidation of the active phyto constituents.
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