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International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Research

Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A (2019)

Phytochemistry and medicinal properties of Mandragora officinarum: A review


Kanzil Mowla Mou, Most. Nazma Parvin, Pritesh Ranjan Dash


Mandragora officinarum (MO) is thought to be one of the magical herbs since classical period. The plant belongs to Solanaceae family and popular in Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs and Hebrews. Earlier, it was believed that the plant has evil power. Different ethnic groups worked closely to establish its profound benefits in traditional medical field. After thorough research on this plant, it was found that the plant has several medicinal properties and has powerful intoxicating nature. Even it is familiar for its narcotic and anesthetic characteristics. Not only that the plant can be used in hallucination, mania, delirium and can relief certain joint pains and acts as a healing agent. It’s diversified phytochemistry consisting of alkaloid, nonalkaloids and some sugars. The current article demonstrates its several pharmacological benefits such as narcosis, anesthetic, aphrodisiac, natural healer and hallucinating quality along with its different phytochemical constituent like apotropine, hyoscyamine, cuscohygrine, scopolamine, belladonine, some sugars.

Pages: 05-09  |  3125 Views  1569 Downloads

International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Research
How to cite this article:
Kanzil Mowla Mou, Most. Nazma Parvin, Pritesh Ranjan Dash. Phytochemistry and medicinal properties of Mandragora officinarum: A review. Int. J. Pharmacogn. Pharm. Res. 2019;1(1):05-09. DOI: 10.33545/26647168.2019.v1.i1a.20
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